Football Friday

Cleavland High School 1892 Polenta Rd, Clayton, NC, United States

Cammie will be the drum major for the game! Jill Allen is organizing a group of folks that would like to rally together to support Cleveland High and watch this talented young lady lead the band. Tickets are $10 each. If you are interested in joining in the fun, please see Jill.

Holy Eucharist Rite II

Parish Hall

Celebrant - Rev. Jill Biemdiek Followed by Coffee Hour

Habitat Work Day

On October 26 we hope that several of you will sign up to volunteer. We will designate that Saturday as Volunteer Grace. We encourage everyone to sign up for, at least one, Saturday, between Sept. 14 and the end of Dec. Sign up here:

Harvest Fest

Sign-up this week for this fun day of fellowship, entertainment and FUN!!! Just need to bring your smiling faces. The festival is downtown and you don't want to miss it!!! If you have any questions contact Julie Ginsler.

Holy Eucharist Rite II


Celebrant - Rev. Adele Hatfield Followed by Coffee Hour

Holy Eucharist Rite II


Celebrant - Rev. Bob Sawyer Followed by Coffee Hour

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